Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Did I mention, You're Invited!

Click on the image to see it larger.
Then come out to the art party! It's gonna be so fun. It looks like there's potential for alot of sexy too. All the artists are islander's, two from Victoria, BC (Leslie Wiegand and Ashley McNeil) and 1 from Pender Island, BC (that's me, Geneva Jacobs).

Image Bank #2

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Image Bank #1

Colourlovers Palette by Charlie68

Clear Deep Breath

In through the nose
to the base of your being
extending through the neck
follow the chin
sink into your seat

A Sigh Of Relief

citrodorus oceanicus*
salvia adulterinus*
Naranja Energy

*Colors named by authour (Charlie68 = me)

I've been working on some paintings and trying to finalize the palette colours of the series.
Colourlovers.com is a great tool to see how things look without wasting loads of paint. It's also been inspiring me to write poems and explore how my body reacts to different colour combos.
Time consuming fun. Beware.

Learning to Sing

Next time I see Serena we will be harmonizing to this. Again! Again!

Monday, November 22, 2010

mmmmm I love mushrooms

Aren't they beautiful? I found all these lovelies one day on the Heart Trail in the Magic Lake area of Pender Island. See them, touch them, smell them, identify them and eat them. Next thing you know you will hear them telling you their secrets.