Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bringing Back The Light

These are the little drawings I did for friends and family this year. Each card is intended as a "good luck" charm for the coming year. The stars (pentagrams) were drawn using gold ink in one continuous line starting from the top and then finishing at the top. This is to invoke protection. The animals symbolize many things easily discerned by thinking of how the animal survives in the wild. Their forms are shown through the netting or webbing that to me symbolizes the web of all life and manifestation.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Artist Profile: Ethan Collister (musician)

This is Ethan Collister. He is a singer/songwriter living in Calgary. He has also been a neighbour of mine in the tower world that I go to every summer in the forests of Alberta. I got to do the album art and design for his last album.

He toured Canada last year. Keep your ear to the ground and go check him out when he gets to your neck of the woods. Click on the album cover to link to his site and hear his music.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Artist Profile: Leslie Wiegand

Leslie is a Victoria, BC based artist. She does intricately rendered nostalgic paintings on wood panels. You can always feel the love she infuses into her work. To me they radiate a soft warmth. Leslie is available for commissions, contact her through her website: Wiggy Love.

Monday, December 13, 2010

On The Lookout

for nests,

for sculls,
for rocks,

for oysters (especially ones with pearls),

for eagle feathers,

for mushrooms,

for owl feathers and

for antler sheds

while I wander through the forest.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Few New Friends

Are you offering me a mushroom?

Cougar's Paw

Ladder to Nirvana (I love that band)

A New Friend

Thursday, December 9, 2010

An Herb: Kava Kava

This is a Kava Bowl that was used to mix the elixer. Here's traditional recipe for the Kava kava root beverage:

Put Kava Kava Root powder in a nylon satchel. Use 2-4 Tbsp of powder to about 4 cups of cool water. (Never use boiling water as it reduces its potency.) Put the satchel in the water and knead it and squeeze it with your fingers under the water. The longer its in the water the stronger it gets, leave at least 5 minutes kneading regularily. Then drink it down with gratitude and enjoy a relaxing night.